We want you to feel safe 和 comfortable as a member of our campus community, so if you ever feel bullied, intimidated, or threatened in any way, please reach out to us. You can call PCC 警察 和 安全 at (626) 585-7484 or visit our office in B210. 我们是来帮忙的!

有人在课堂上或校园里骚扰你吗? 不幸的是,即使在大学里, people can be hurtful or intimidating—by bullying, stalking, giving you unwanted gifts 或者关注,或者口头威胁你.


This can come in many forms, but it usually involves someone trying to make you feel 软弱或无力,而且通常不止一次. 例如,如果某人 threatens you, spreads rumors about you, or insults you, that person is bullying you. To learn more about bullying 和 ways to prevent it, review the articles 和 resources 包括在这里或来参观我们/给我们打电话. 我们可以倾听并帮助你找到资源 要处理这种情况.


As a college student, it’s especially important to be aware of your surroundings. This way, you will be more likely to notice if someone is following you. 一个跟踪狂 might try to contact your friends, coworkers, or classmates to get your personal information; this is particularly easy for him or her to do on a college campus since most students 在学期中每周都有一个固定的时间表吗. 校园跟踪者也可能 use your social media posts or check-ins to keep track of your schedule, so consider keeping your personal daily activities as private as possible.

While it may seem unlikely that you’ll be stalked, a recent survey notes that more than one-in-eight female college students have had a stalker, yet only 17 percent of these young women actually notify campus authorities or local police. 没有人应该这么做 have to experience this alone, so if you suspect someone has been stalking you, give 给我们打个电话,这样我们就能支持你.

You have a right to be protected, 和 to ensure your protection, stalking is considered 刑事法典第646条规定的犯罪.9. 这里有一些需要考虑的细节 case you are not sure (和 remember, even if you’re not sure, it’s best to contact 我们马上):

  • Any person who willfully, maliciously, 和 反复 follows or willfully 和 maliciously harasses another person 和 who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family is guilty of the crime of stalking, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thous和 dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine 和 imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison.

In other words, someone might be stalking you if he or she 故意反复 让你害怕或不安的行为.


Since this can be such a frightening situation, there are helpful victim advocate programs that will assist you if a case is opened 和 prosecuted. 在这个过程中, we encourage you to share your experiences with trusted friends 和 family members, 也可以通过PCC咨询顾问 心理健康 & 健康服务. It’s also important to keep track of everything about the stalker 和 the specific 你注意到那个人的日期,时间和地点. 还有其他人吗 周围都是能证明你所见的人? 如果你觉得足够舒服,试着问一下 让他们写下他们所看到的. 所有这些都会让你有更强的说服力 后来.


What if someone seems like he or she is just being friendly—but it’s making you uncomfortable? Other than bullying or stalking, unwanted attention can also be frightening or threatening 行为. If you feel uncomfortable in class or on campus because someone keeps giving you flowers or asking for your number, you can ask us for help. 即使它可能 seem nice at first, these kinds of advances can feel coercive, 和 you might feel afraid to say no to the person after he or she has been so friendly. 最好是 let someone know what’s happening because there’s a chance that the person’s gifts 注意力可能会变得咄咄逼人. 请拨打(626)585-7484或直接停止 由警务处于B210登记. 我们可以支持你度过难关.


Have you ever felt unsafe in class or on campus because of something someone said? Maybe you weren't sure if he or she was actually threatening you. 口头threats-whether 直接 or in直接—can be a first step toward other types of violence, so it's important to protect yourself by recognizing threats 和 responding to them effectively.

A 直接 威胁可能听起来像这样:

  • “I’m going to follow you home,” or “you better watch your back after class.”

或者,有人可能 间接 威胁你、老师或学校:

  • “I wish my teacher was dead,” or “I wish someone would pull a gun out during class.”

If anyone threatens you like this or in any other way, take it seriously.

You deserve to feel safe, so call us right away so we can help you. 拨打911 from a campus telephone or dial (626) 585-7484—both of these will lead to staff at 警察及安全服务. If you feel able—和 if there are other people around—try to keep the threatening person nearby so police can question that person. 然而, if you ever feel that you are in immediate danger, call 911 from a cellular phone 给当地的紧急服务和执法部门.


It’s better to take these threats seriously 和 help prevent a violent act than to wait for the violence to occur—you have a right to say something because you have 安全的权利.

Has someone threatened you, only to leave the room or campus? 你仍然可以报告 对校园警察的威胁. 我们渴望帮助,你也可以帮助,通过采取 太阳城集团官方网址导航以下事项的注意事项:

  • 威胁者的姓名(如知道)
  • exactly what the person said or did--as best as you can remember
  • Include the date 和 time of the threat 和 where the person is now (if you know)
  • 种族
  • 女性或男性
  • 服装的种类和颜色
  • 体型
  • 头发的颜色
  • distinguishing features: tattoos, piercings, scars or freckles, or accessories like 珠宝或背包.

By documenting some or all of this information, you can help us protect you from a 令人恐惧或威胁的人. 我们准备好做剩下的事情了!